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Bathroom Cleaning 101

Did you know that most people would rather clean their garage than their bathrooms? While a grimy bathroom may seem daunting, you only need to master a few basic tricks to keep it sparkling clean. Follow this handy guide to making bathroom cleaning quick and easy.

Bathroom Cleaning with Windex

Stock up

Stop wasting time searching for and gathering supplies when you're ready to clean. Stash a bucket filled with your favorite bathroom cleaning products in each bathroom.

Feed the hamper

Toss dirty clothes and towels into a hamper. Consider keeping one near each bathroom so towels will be less likely to hit the floor.

Let in some fresh air

If your bathroom door is closed all day, open the door or a window for a few minutes a day to air out the room and reduce humidity.

Clean the waste basket

Before you replace the trash bag in your bathroom wastebasket, wipe it out with Windex® Multi-Surface Disinfectant Cleaner. Get rid of germs and leave behind a fresh scent.

Clear out the cabinets

Take everything out of the medicine cabinet, wipe down the shelves and put back only those items you use daily (store everything else). And, despite the name, it’s not always a good idea to store medicine in a medicine cabinet—heat and moisture can cause meds to expire prematurely.

*Claim based on Windex® Original lab testing against leading competitor glass cleaners per AC Nielsen 52 weeks ended 3/31/2018
When used as directed, kills:
‡Staphylococcus aureus (Staph), Salmonella enterica (Salmonella), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas), Streptococcus pyogenes (Strep), Rhinovirus Type 37 (common cold), Influenza A2/Hong Kong (H3N2) (flu) (virus)

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